R&D Away

Real Estate Resources for fellow TF Members

Listing Presentation Materials

Listing Presentation Materials

You don’t want to bring too much. Or too little.

What to do?!

I very often see on the Facebook group message board “what should I bring to this listing appointment?” It’s a very good question and there are lots of opinions on the topic! I use the following to keep myself on track because as we all know, there are so many tangents that take place during a listing conversation. It is my hope that when I leave, it will serve as a recap of our discussion and something helpful for them to review when they contemplate my services. Especially if many other agents are being interviewed.

1) Brochure: My “all about me” brochure is a short and sweet colorful bi-fold that I hope is enticing enough for the seller to read from beginning to end. It includes a lot of personal information about me, and not just my “numbers,” but what my hobbies are, what my favorite sports team is, etc. I have seen a lot of printed presentation pieces over the years that are way too long. Today’s consumer needs printed communication that is short, concise, creative and fun to read.

2) Reference Sheet: A list of 5 past and existing clients who are just like the clients I am meeting with. I make sure to note what and where those clients bought so the prospective client feels like they can relate to their experience and appreciate their opinion.

3) CMA: A market analysis and list of comps that supports my valuation.

4) Contract: This is a tricky one. Some agents don’t think a listing meeting is successful unless they walk out with a signed contract. Everyone’s selling style is different. Every client situation is different. It’s our job to read the room and proceed accordingly. But if you do go with one to your appointment, pre-print the clients names and address on the documents.

Pre-Photo Shoot Checklist

Pre-Photo Shoot Checklist